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The latest news from the Archbishop of York
  1. A picture of two students at York St John University

    Refugee Council CEO to call for compassion at York St John University’s Doing Change event


    NEWS - York St John University and the Office of the Archbishop of York are delighted to announce that Enver Solomon, Chief Executive Officer of the Refugee Council is to deliver this year’s Lecture in Social Justice: ‘The UK’s Changing Asylum Landscape - is this a watershed moment?’

    4 min read
  2. Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York visited York Mosque and Islamic Centre on Monday evening, accompanied by his wife Rebecca. They were there to break the fast at the Iftar meal which Muslims share each day during the holy month of Ramadan. Elliot Foskett Chief Constable, Scott Bissett Deputy Chief Constable, Catherine Clarke Assistant Chief Constable and Arfan Rahouf, Faith Lead for North Yorkshire Police also attended.

    Archbishop of York visits York Mosque during Ramadan


    NEWS - Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York visited York Mosque and Islamic Centre on Monday evening, accompanied by his wife Rebecca. 

    2 min read
  3. Image of cathedral from the air with written info about the Festival of Faith and Music

    New Festival of Faith and Music to launch at York Minster


    NEWS - The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell will give a keynote speech at the Church Times Festival of Faith and Music, a new venture created in partnership with the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), that will be staged for the first time at York Minster from Friday 26 until Sunday 28 April.

    3 min read
  4. Purple background with white logo

    We need a conversation about justice


    FEATURE - Archbishop Stephen writes in today's Sunday Times about the Fund for Healing, Repair and Justice. The article follows in full 

    3 min read
  5. Head and shoulders of a woman wearing a purple shirt and clerical collar

    Bishop Sarah becomes Acting Bishop of Durham following the retirement of Bishop Paul


    NEWS - The Bishop of Jarrow, the Right Reverend Sarah Clark has become Acting Bishop of Durham following last week’s retirement of the Right Reverend Paul Butler.

    3 min read
  6. BLue background with collage of photos - 2 people holding hands, a tree with money on it, some high rise flats

    A political consensus needs to return on tackling child poverty urgently


    FEATURE - Archbishop Stephen writes in today's Yorkshire Post on the urgent need to tackle Child Poverty. The article follows in full

    6 min read
  7. Diocese of Leeds in words

    The 10th Anniversary of the Diocese of Leeds


    NEWS - The 10th anniversary of the Diocese of Leeds takes place on Saturday, April 20, 2024 and is an opportunity to both reflect and look forward to coming decades.

    2 min read
  8. Group of people standing together with large screen behind them

    Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice publishes Fourth Biannual Report


    NEWS - The Archbishops’ Commission for Racial Justice has released the fourth of its biannual Racial Justice reports.

    4 min read
  9. Head and shoulders of a woman smiling to camera

    Publication of Jay Review


    NEWS - The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have welcomed the publication today of the Future of Church Safeguarding report from Professor Alexis Jay, with an outline of next steps for how the Church responds.  

    4 min read
  10. Smiling woman in black t-shirt with Rock and Roll written on it

    BBC Radio 2 Pause for Thought


    COMMENT - Archbishop Stephen today gave the Pause for Thought on BBC Radio 2's breakfast show with Zoe Ball. This follows in full

    2 min read