York Minster has announced details of special services and livestreamed worship to bring in the New Year and celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Wednesday 6 January.
Epiphany – or ‘revelation’ – marks the arrival of The Three Wise Men who followed a star to the manger in Bethlehem to see the new born baby Jesus. They bowed down before the infant in worship and offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The Revd Canon Vicky Johnson, Canon Precentor at York Minster said: “The Feast of the Epiphany” marks the revelation of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World and all of the promise that he brings. It is a time to reflect on the past, consider our future and look to be led in all things by the light of Christ.
“The acts of worship that we have prepared for this season continue the Christmas story into the New Year, we hope that people will join us whether in person or online”
On New Year’s Eve, Thursday 31 December, there will be a special on-line service led by the Archbishop of York from York Minster as part of the Church of England’s ‘Comfort and Joy’ Campaign. The Archbishop will preside at the Eucharist and preach to the nation as we look towards the year ahead. Click on this link to view the service on the Church of England website cofe.io/NYEService.
The following services for Epiphany will take place inside the Minster and online on Wednesday 6 January.
Inside York Minster
5.30pm – Eucharist for the Feast of the Epiphany.
The service will include movements from the Organ Mass by Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703),
Broadcast online
5.30 pm – A special pre-recorded service for Epiphany
The great Epiphany themes will be explored through readings, reflections and music from the Choir of York Minster. Go to www.yorkminster.org, our Facebook and YouTube channels to see this broadcast.
Daily services at York Minster during Christmas and New Year
Morning Prayer at 7.30am and Holy Communion at 7.50am
These quiet, simple services offer space and time to pray in the stillness and peace of the early morning Minster. Both services take place in the stunning Lady Chapel, under the light from the Great East Window.
Midweek Eucharist at 12 noon every Wednesday during Advent
A simple, said service of Holy Communion
Evening Prayer (said)
4pm on Saturday 26 December until Sunday 3 January 2020
5.30pm on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 January
4pm on Wednesday 6 January
5.30pm on Thursday 7, Friday 8 and Monday 11 January.
Experience the beauty of Choral Evensong in the largest gothic cathedral in Northern Europe sung by the Choir of York Minster.
5.30pm on Saturday 9 January
4pm on Sunday 10 January
5.30pm from Tuesday 12 until Saturday 16 January.
Service dates and times are until 16 January 2021. The schedule may be subject to change associated with Government requirements for managing the Coronavirus pandemic.
Notes for Editors
Keeping people safe: Covid-19 control measures at York Minster
In line with Government and Church of England guidance, York Minster has implemented a range of measures to help keep visitors and staff safe. These include:
- compulsory wearing of masks inside the Minster
- limiting the number of people allowed inside
- reduced seating
- a one-way system to allow people to physically distance from one another
- hand sanitizer points
- additional cleaning measures
- staff and clergy wearing face masks and visors
- worshippers attending public services will also be asked to leave their name and contact details to assist with the NHS Test and Trace programme, in line with Government guidance.
Changes to services include no singing or sharing of the Peace and the suspension of the Common Cup during Holy Communion will continue. There will also be no plate collection at the end of services, although people are encouraged to make a donation using contactless donation points inside the cathedral.
Parts of the cathedral will remain closed including the Central Tower and Undercroft Museum and there will be no guided tours.
The Minster has been approved for the UK-wide ‘We’re Good To Go’ industry standard, launched this week by national tourism organisations for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which demonstrates it is adhering to the respective Government and public health guidance.
York Minster’s arrangements for worship and visiting came into effect on 2 December but may be subject to change following any further Government advice.
For further information visit www.yorkminster.org.