The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell has recorded an ‘in conversation with York Courses’ with John Young entitled, “BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I WILL”.
As well as publishing two courses each year, York Courses also produces occasional interviews as part of a series of Christian conversations, and this latest conversation marks the start of the Archbishop’s ministry.
“BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I WILL” introduces Archbishop Stephen’s life and faith in five sections: Introduction and Early Days; The Move towards Vocation; Faith, Doubt and Books; The State of the Church; and Big Issues and a Big Job. The conversation was recorded prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown.
Archbishop Stephen said: “It was a pleasure to speak with John about my journey of faith and some of the issues that are forefront in the Church of England at this time. A desire that remains within me is that I would love people to know that in Christ you can become yourself. That seems to me to be the heart of the good news, or how I would express the heart of the good news, for today’s world. I hope that as you listen to our discussion you can hear that together we are the body of Christ and we are all called to use the gifts we have been given to show God’s love, care and compassion to all those we meet.”
Extracts from each of the five sections are being streamed free of charge from the York Courses website www.yorkcourses.co.uk and the entire 60-minute recording is available to purchase as a download for £2. The transcript is also available to purchase as a digital download to e-readers, iPads, Kindles and other digital devices.
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell has written two York Courses previously: ‘Rich Inheritance’ & ‘The Psalms’ and he has been an audio contributor to ‘Glimpses of God’.
YORK COURSES was formed in 1997 with the intention of producing course materials for informed discussion on issues of faith to people of any and all denominations. Nearly a quarter of a century on, York Courses are used in over twenty countries worldwide and continue to feature distinguished contributors.