The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell will preside at a double Consecration service at York Minster on Friday 15th July at 11am.  

The Reverend Canon Arun Arora, Vicar of St Nicholas Church, Durham, and Honorary Canon of Durham Cathedral will be consecrated as the Suffragan Bishop of Kirkstall, in the Diocese of Leeds. The Revd Canon Arun succeeds The Right Reverend Paul Slater following his retirement. 

The Reverend Canon Robert Saner-Haigh, Residentiary Canon of Newcastle Cathedral and Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese of Newcastle, will be consecrated as the next Suffragan Bishop of Penrith in the Diocese of Carlisle. The Revd Canon Robert succeeds The Right Reverend Dr Emma Ineson, following her appointment in April 2021, as the Bishop to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

Arun and Robert will be consecrated in front of family and friends who will be attending the first full consecration service at York Minster since March 2020.  The Choir of York Minster will perform at the service. The service will be live streamed. 

Commenting on the double consecration service, Archbishop Stephen said:  “Bishops are ordained to service in God’s church, participating in God’s mission, and encouraging and enabling the ministry of the whole of the people of God. They are the lead pastors and lead evangelists in the diocese – caring for their clergy and building up the Kingdom of God, preaching justice and peace for all. Please pray for Arun and Rob as they take up their new roles, pray for their families and pray for the communities among whom they will minister and serve.” 

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