Archbishop Stephen reflects on his visit to Trinidad and Tobago
Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell is visiting Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port of Spain to help celebrate its 200th anniversary and to join with Bishop Claude Berkley in celebrating the life of witness of God's Church in the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago.
Archbishop Stephen last visited the country in 2015 when he was the Bishop of Chelmsford. The Diocese of Chelmsford and the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago has a longstanding friendship and partnership.
As part of the anniversary celebrations he will preach at a service on Sunday 4 June when thousands of worshippers are expected to gather together in the city at Queen’s Park Savannah.
Archbishop Stephen said, “As the 98th Archbishop of York and Primate of England, I come bringing the friendship, love and support of the whole Church of England, the greetings and esteem of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and, I hope, a sign of our enduring partnership in the gospel. We have much to learn from each other and much to celebrate.
“I look forward to hearing again the sound of steel pan and calypso, the many culinary delights, the warmth of your hospitality and the beautiful dignity of your worship.. I come with hope in my heart that our friendship can be renewed, the bonds of love strengthened, and our witness to the gospel enhanced. May these celebrations be an opportunity for the joyful renewal of our faith in Christ and our belonging together within his body, the Church.”
Celebrations have been building over the last few months and include a Gala and Dinner Dance, a hamper drive to support vulnerable households, a fitness challenge and a call for people to donate blood at the local hospital.
Bishop Claude Berkley, Bishop of The Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago said, “We’re really looking forward to welcoming Archbishop Stephen to join our anniversary celebrations. The cathedral plays an important role in our city and country and we hope that we can all celebrate together and commit to continuing to witness of the love of Jesus to all who are looking for hope and purpose in their lives.
“I hope that many people will come and join us in the park on Sunday and we can make a loud noise as we gather together in worship.”
Archbishop Stephen's sermon is available to read here