1. Man holding a baby in his arms

    Christmas Day sermon at York Minster


    Archbishop Stephen preached at York Minster on Christmas Day. This follows in full

    6 min read
  2. 5 photos of people smiling in front of Christmas trees

    Christmas Day Service BBC Radio 4


    Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon during the Christmas Day Service broadcast on BBC Radio 4 from York Minster. This follows in full...  

    5 min read
  3. Black background with white blurry angel shapes floating down

    Let's hear angels' song of love and peace for tomorrow


    FEATURE - Archbishop Stephen writes in today's Sunday Express, on the eve of Christmas

    4 min read
  4. Statue of Jesus Christ with arms outstretched

    Christ is God’s final word, new for every age, and heralded at Christmas


    NEWS - In today's Sunday Telegraph Archbishop Stephen shares with us that the Bible is the unfolding saga of God searching for a reluctant human race, not the other way round.  

    4 min read
  5. One candle burning in darkness

    Finding hope in the story of Christ's birth


    FEATURE - Writing in today's Yorkshire Post Archbishop Stephen encourages everyone to allow our souls to be awakened to the beautiful hope found in the birth of Jesus. His Christmas message follows in full...

    5 min read
  6. Making room for others this Christmas


    FEATURE - Archbishop Stephen shares a Christmas message in today's York Press

    2 min read
  7. Gold background white writing Advent and Christmas

    Travel in heart and mind to Bethlehem - Christmas Services at York Minster


    NEWS - Join York Minster’s worship inside the cathedral or from the comfort of your own home as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ into our world.

    2 min read
  8. Logo for Two Ridings Foundation

    Archbishop of York calls for ‘Hungry Minds’ support


    NEWS - City of York Council and The Archbishop of York have launched a joint appeal for support for the City’s Hungry Minds Free School Meals campaign

    2 min read
  9. Lighting the many community Chanukiahs, from the flames of the 150 memorial candles.

    York lights Chanukah candles in memorial and for peace


    NEWS - Chanukah, the Festival of Lights was marked at Clifford's Tower, the site of the 1190 massacre of 150 Jews and one of the darkest events in York's history, followed by a historic commemorative first lighting at Jewbury, York’s medieval Jewish Cemetery, where those 150 are buried.

    4 min read
  10. A lady sitting in a wheelchair holding an order of service

    Singing for the Brain at Bishopthorpe Palace


    NEWS - Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell today welcomed members of local ‘Singing for the Brain’ groups to the Chapel at Bishopthorpe Palace for their Christmas Carol Service. Around 60 people gathered to sing well known carols and then enjoyed light refreshments in the Great Hall.

    2 min read

Source URL: https://www.archbishopofyork.org/news/2023-news-archive