Lancashire has a new Bishop after an ancient ceremony took place earlier today at York Minster, conducted by the Archbishop of York, The Most Rev. and Rt Hon. Stephen Cottrell.
Rt Rev. Dr Joe Kennedy is now the twelfth Bishop of Burnley and joins the existing episcopal team in the Diocese; working alongside the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt Rev. Philp North, Bishop of Blackburn and Rt Rev. Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster.
The moving two-hour service at the Minster began at 11am and was attended by hundreds of people. The Archbishop was assisted by more than 20 Bishops from across The Church of England and the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Canon Dr Michael Leyden, Dean of Emmanuel Theological College.
Also assisting the Archbishop, in the role of Liturgical Deacon for the Consecration, was Rev. Sarah Gill, Vicar of St Stephen’s and St James’ in Blackburn and Bishop’s Advisor on UKME Matters.
A livestream recording of the full service is now available to watch any time on the York Minster YouTube channel and via their website here while the full Order of Service, to follow along with proceedings, can be found here.
After the service Archbishop Stephen said: “Today it's been my great joy and honour to ordain Joe Kennedy as the next Bishop of Burnley, serving in the wonderful Diocese of Blackburn as a pastor, a teacher and as an evangelist.
“I knew Joe 20 years ago when I was the Bishop of Reading. I’m delighted that our paths have reconnected and I pray that Joe's ministry will be richly blessed, as will the Diocese of Blackburn.”
York Minster began to fill with people from across the other side of the Pennines around 9am – including hundreds of Lancashire’s clergy and parishioners; alongside support staff from the diocesan offices.
They joined Joe's wife Emily and their children David and Mary; other members of their family; as well as friends and former parishioners of the new Bishop and other colleagues from his ‘sending Diocese’ of Chester.
Civic dignitaries who made the trip to York included Helen Bingley, High Sheriff of Lancashire; County Councillor Alf Clemson, Vice Chair of Lancashire County Council; David Hodge KC The Diocesan Chancellor; Charles Hadcock; Deputy Lord Lieutenant; Councillor Shah Hussain, Mayor of Burnley and Burnley County Councillor Cosima Towneley.
The service itself featured a series of impressive flourishes steeped in history, from the opening procession of clergy; to the Oath of Canonical Obedience and the Declarations; all culminating in the emotional moment for the new Bishop of Burnley with the laying on of hands by the Archbishop while surrounded by fellow Bishops during The Ordination Prayer.
This was followed by a wonderful release of joy as the Archbishop invited the congregation to welcome their new bishop and extended applause echoed around the ancient stones of the Minster.
There were also some personal touches amidst the historic beats of the service such as when two of the new Bishop’s close friends, Gabrielle Higgins and Oliver Critchley, gave the Old and New Testament readings respectively.
You can view pictures and video now from across the day on the Diocesan X/Twitter feed @cofelancs and on Facebook/BlackburnDiocese as well as on these accounts ...
... the Archbishop of York’s social channels: X/Twitter @CottrellStephen and Facebook/ArchbishopofYork
... and on York Minster’s channels at X/Twitter @York_Minster and Facebook/YorkMinsterOfficial
Immediately after the Consecration, Bishop Philip commented: “It has been an awe-inspiring joy to be a part of this special moment in the life of Joe and his family today at York Minster. We now look forward to September and his Installation Service at Blackburn Cathedral.
“Joe’s experience and expertise in parish renewal and starting new local congregations will be invaluable when overseeing the ‘Being Witnesses’ portfolio – part of our Vision 2026 work, supporting healthy churches transforming communities.
“He also brings to the diocese a profound and life-changing trust in Jesus Christ; a sincere pastoral heart and huge gifts in preaching and teaching. We are blessed he has joined us here in our beautiful County.”
Bishop Joe added: “It’s a joy and a delight to have been ordained Bishop by Archbishop Stephen today, something I could never have imagined when setting out as a Priest back in 2003.
“I am now looking forward to working with colleagues across the whole diocese as we continue to implement Vision 2026 together and look to the future.
“Everyone who is baptised has a ministry. We are all called by God to experience the joy and adventure of ministering to others in Jesus’ name. Please pray for me now as I set out on this new adventure and know that I will be praying for you.”
Following the Consecration Service at York Minster the next milestone will be the Installation Service here in Lancashire at our Cathedral in Blackburn. That will take place on September 8 at 4pm and details of how to book to attend are now available on the diocesan website via this link.