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Stephen Cottrell
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NEWS - Latest book from Archbishop Stephen for Lent and Holy Week - Godforsaken. The Cross – The Greatest Hope of All.
News Releases from 2022
COMMENT - short statement and prayer on the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
A moment of Reflection for Christmas Day
Archbishop Stephen led the Christmas Day service for BBC Local radio stations. His sermon follows in full
COMMENT - Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon at the Christmas Day Eucharist at York Minster. This follows in full
COMMENT - Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon for the BBC Radio 4 Sunday Service which focussed on the 250th anniversary of the hymn Amazing Grace being first sung in public.
FEATURE - Archbishop Stephen writes in today's The Times. His article follows in full...
FEATURE - Writing in today's Yorkshire Post Archbishop Stephen encourages everyone to take heart from the Christmas story. The article follows in full...
FEATURE - The Archbishop writes in today's Sunday Telegraph. The article follows in full...