
Read sermons and messages delivered by Archbishop Stephen Cottrell.
  1. St Peter's Church in Burnley

    Racial Justice Sunday St Peter's Church Burnley


    Archbishop Stephen preached at the 11am service at St Peter's Church Burnley. This follows in full

    7 min read
  2. Writing saying Mary Ward with painting of a head of a nun

    Mary Ward Annual Service St Thomas' Church Osbaldwick


    Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon at the annual service to celebrate the life of Mary Ward. This follows in full

    8 min read
  3. A moment of reflection for 31 December 2023


    31 December 2023 - Archbishop Stephen Cottrell | A moment of Reflection.

    Every week the Diocese of York offers a prayer video for churches to use either online or in their services.  The Archbishop of York leads in a moment of Reflection for the First Sunday of Christmas

    3 min read
  4. Man holding a baby in his arms

    Christmas Day sermon at York Minster


    Archbishop Stephen preached at York Minster on Christmas Day. This follows in full

    6 min read
  5. 5 photos of people smiling in front of Christmas trees

    Christmas Day Service BBC Radio 4


    Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon during the Christmas Day Service broadcast on BBC Radio 4 from York Minster. This follows in full...  

    5 min read
  6. Open bible with a cross laid on it with words Daily Service

    BBC Radio 4 Daily Service - Monday 4 December


    The Archbishop today led the Daily service for BBC Radio 4. You can read his reflection here

    4 min read
  7. Man in clergy clothing standing at lectern inside a chapel

    First Sunday of Advent - national online service from the Church of England


    NEWS - Today's Church of England online service comes from the Chapel at Bishopthorpe Palace. Archbishop Stephen leads and preaches, with contributions from local school students, and staff from St George's Crypt in Leeds. 

    3 min read
  8. Address to York Diocesan Synod


    Archbishop Stephen addressed York Diocesan Synod today. The address follows in full

    9 min read
  9. Man in clergy clothing standing at lectern giving a speech

    General Synod 2023 - Joint Presidential Address


    COMMENT - The Archbishop, alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, delivered the Presidential address to the meeting of the General Synod in London today. The address follows in full

    8 min read
  10. Head and upper body of man dressed in white clerical robes

    House of Lords debate on the King's Speech


    Archbishop Stephen today spoke in the House of Lords during the debate on the contents of the King's Speech given at the opening of Parliament on Tuesday 7 November.

    4 min read