
Read sermons and messages delivered by Archbishop Stephen Cottrell.
  1. Pencil drawing of a man dressed in black and wearing a wig

    BBC Radio 4 Sermon for New Year's Day


    COMMENT - Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon for the BBC Radio 4 Sunday Service which focussed on the 250th anniversary of the hymn Amazing Grace being first sung in public.

    4 min read
  2. Head and shoulders of man wearing clerical robes

    Christmas Day Sermon at York Minster


    COMMENT - Archbishop Stephen gave the sermon at the Christmas Day Eucharist at York Minster. This follows in full

    5 min read
  3. Red shield with white crossed keys and crown with gold mitre above

    A moment of reflection for Christmas Day


    A moment of Reflection for Christmas Day

    1 min read
  4. Man in clerical clothes with purple stole standing inside a chapel with stone wall behind him

    Sermon for national Church of England online service - 3rd Sunday of Advent


    COMMENT - The Archbishop gave the sermon as part of the Church of England's weekly online service. This follows in full...

    4 min read
  5. Head and shoulders of bishop in robes standing in front of red leather benches

    House of Lords Debate on UK asylum system and refugee policy


    NEWS - Archbishop Stephen responded to the Archbishop of Canterbury's debate on the principles behind the contemporary UK asylum system and refugee policy, and of the response to the challenges of forced migration. His speech follows in full

    4 min read
  6. Red shield with white crossed keys and crown with gold mitre above

    Address to York Diocesan Synod


    COMMENT - The Archbishop addressed York Diocesan Synod today. The address follows in full  

    6 min read
  7. Man in purple cassock seated with books behind him on one side, and a river and landscape on the other

    Archbishop Blanch Memorial Lecture


    COMMENT - The Archbishop of York delivers the 25th Archbishop Blanch Memorial Lecture at Liverpool Hope University on 22 November.  

    19 min read
  8. inside of a church building with 1350 in watermark over

    Sermon for St Wilfrid’s Day, Ripon Cathedral


    SERMON - Patronal Eucharist marking the 1350 Anniversary of the Crypt founded by Wilfrid in 672 AD at Ripon Cathedral 

    7 min read
  9. Restoring Hope Labour Party Conference Sermon

    The Labour Party Conference Church Service


    SERMON - Each year Christians on the Left host a church service at the beginning of the Labour Party Conference. This year Archbishop Stephen was invited to preach at St James in the City, Liverpool.  His sermon follows in full…

    11 min read
  10. Southwark Cathedral

    There is a river that makes glad the city of God


    SERMON - Archbishop Stephen preaches and presides at Choral Eucharist at Southwark Cathedral on the eve of the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II


    6 min read