Pilgrimage Prayer - St Cuthbert's Way


Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell is walking the St Cuthbert’s Way on pilgrimage this week.  As he journeys in the footsteps of St Cuthbert, he is praying for the renewal of God's Church here in the North.  

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell is walking the St Cuthbert’s Way on pilgrimage next week.  As he journeys in the footsteps of St Cuthbert, he is praying for the renewal of God's Church here in the North.  
His pilgrimage prayer follows: 

Everliving God,
be our companion on the road
and show us the path of life eternal.
May all our journeys
converge upon the journey home to you,
and all our longings find their rest in your unchanging grace.
Bring your peace and justice to our world
and guide by your Spirit the communities of the North.
Kindle in your Church the faith of Cuthbert, Aidan, Hilda 
and all the northern saints,
that with simplicity, humility, and courage
we may follow in their way,
finding it none other than the way of Christ,
in whose precious name we make this prayer.

1 min read