
The Missional Youth Church Network today announces the appointment of Angela Brymer and the Revd Ruthi Gibbons who will join Director Andy Milne in mentoring youth leaders and supporting local missional youth churches in their work to enable young people discover the God who loves them so completely.
Andy Milne, Director of MYCN said, “I am really looking forward to working with Angela and Ruthi. As we continue to move out of lockdown, we will be working in partnership with schools, churches and communities to reimagine church with young people. Many may be feeling isolated and uncertain of what the future may hold, but our hope is that they will be able to find a home with others in a new missional youth church. Angela and Ruthi will be vital in mentoring and providing support, journeying alongside youth leaders and their teams whilst they grow missional youth church in their locality. We also want to encourage Learning Communities to enable those working with young people to learn, grow and journey together.”
Angela and Ruthi will share a full time role and will take up their posts in May.
Angela Brymer re-trained as a Youth and Community Worker following a career designing for a high street retailer. She has worked with young people in inner city Nottingham and for the Church of England for over 20 years and is particularly passionate about enabling young people to participate in meaningful ways and find their voice and use it.
Angela said, “I’m really pleased to be joining MYCN at this time as we explore connecting in our communities in new ways. And we have so many opportunities to enable young people to discover more about themselves and their spirituality as we emerge from such an unusual year.”
Ruthi Gibbons is an ordained minister in the Church of England and former curate of St Edwards, Dringhouses, in York. She is part of the national ‘Leading your church into growth’ (LyCiG) team helping churches to grow numerically and spiritually. Ruthi has worked with young people in both the UK and France, both developing new youth work outside the church whilst also getting alongside church based young people in her curacy.
Ruthi said, “My two great passions are working with young people and helping churches to grow. Working with MYCN will enable me to fulfil both of these.”
The Archbishop said, “I’m delighted that Angela and Ruthi will be joining the MYCN team to help us reach many more young people with the good news of Jesus Christ. As they begin to help create missional youth church that is ‘by young people and for young people’, they’ll be working in partnership with dioceses, churches and mission agencies to see where God is at work and join in His mission to and with young people.”
Andrew Bass, Grants Officer for Allchurches Trust, said: “We’re delighted to hear about MYCN’s two new appointments, who will help to drive forward their vision to establish more Missional Youth Churches across the country. Proud that our funding can support this growth, and in doing so, support more young people to thrive.”
MYCN began in the North of England in April 2019 and is a joint partnership with the Office of the Archbishop of York, Church Army and The Archbishop of York Youth Trust. Currently support is being given to 17 missional youth churches across the UK and 13 others exploring the potential to be established soon. In 2020 Allchurches Trust awarded MYCN with a grant of £200,000 to support its work with young people.
The vision of MYCN is to establish missional youth churches, enabling 11-18 year olds to build community and discover faith in Christ. Local schools, churches and community projects have begun working together to reimagine church with young people. A Learning Community has also begun so that youth leaders and volunteers can come together for training, encouragement, prayer and support as they build for the future.
For more information contact Andy Milne CA on [email protected] or
visit www.myc.network