The woods in the grounds of Bishopthorpe are home to a large number of insects, butterflies and moths and everything that feeds on them including nuthatch, siskin, finches, great spotted woodpeckers and pipistrelle bats. Roe deer, red fox, and stoat also roam freely in the woods.

The River Ouse forms a natural boundary to the south east side of the garden. The riverbank is home to kingfishers, great crested grebes and a rare visitor to Bishopthorpe grounds - the otter.

At this time of the year the grounds are a carpet of colour with a show of bulbs that includes scillas, snowdrops and wood aconites. Trees are in bud and thousands of daffodils are on the move, heading for a spectacular Spring show.

Summer and the garden is at its peak. Annual beds and perennial borders are in full colour attracting many insects including bees, who take advantage of the pollen to take back to the hives that are placed around the grounds

The woodland changes from shades of green to golds and reds, producing a stunning display. Shrubs and trees are laden with berries quickly being stripped by blackbirds, thrushes and redwings. Winter bedding and bulbs are planted for a spring display.

The cold of winter arrives, trees and other plants begin to shut down. Important work is to be done. It's a time for regeneration, pruning and planting of new trees and shrubs, The rewards will be reaped next year as we look forward to the new shoots and colours of spring.