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Stephen Cottrell
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11 results found for '2027'
NEWS - The Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell plans to teach the Lord’s Prayer across the North of England throughout 2025, a priority of his vision for Faith in the North.
NEWS - The Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board (SMMIB) of the Church of England has awarded a £1.76 million grant for a five-year Northern Enabling Strategy to help northern dioceses launch up to 600 additional new worshipping communities.
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell sets out how he intends to preach, encourage the church in missionary discipleship, teach the faith, and form a network of church planting and church revitalisation communities across the North in the coming years.
NEWS - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of St James Cathedral in Chicago, since 2015, was today announced as the new Dean of York.
NEWS - Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York has set out a three-year focus called Faith in the North which will provide prayer, storytelling and church planting resources.
COMMENT - St Paulinus and St Ithamar were Bishops of Rochester in the 7th century, nearly 1400 years ago. Their shrines were dedicated by the Bishop of Rochester at a special service held on the 24th September. The Archbishop of York preached during the service.