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Stephen Cottrell
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Revd Professor Dee Dyas (Centre for the Study of Christianity & Culture, University of York) explores missional discipleship and extends a bold invitation to consider how missionary disciples of the past can encourage and enhance our vision for mission today.
Revd Prof Dee Dyas looks at the mission of the early saints and offers an invitation to consider how the inspiration and resources offered by missionary disciples of the past can encourage and enhance mission today.
NEWS - The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell this weekend (1-2 June 2024) preached at the celebrations marking one thousand years of Christian Laws of Norway at Moster Old Church, which stands on an island off the west coast of Norway.
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell sets out how he intends to preach, encourage the church in missionary discipleship, teach the faith, and form a network of church planting and church revitalisation communities across the North in the coming years.
The Very Revd Dr Tim Stratford considers Church growth in the North West in the Victorian period, looking at The Revd James Bell Cox and the Slum Priest Ritualists as an example of how the Church has built on the mission of the early saints.
Archbishop Stephen spoke at a service to mark the 200th anniversary of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port of Spain. The sermon follows in full. Please check against delivery
News releases from 2020.
News Releases from 2021
COMMENT - On 9 June the Archbishop gave the annual Moule Memorial Lecture, named in honour of C.F.D. "Charlie" Moule on the theme "Travelling Well: Pilgrimage and discipleship".
News Releases from 2022